El Cordero De Dios Newsletters

Here you can find the latest newsletters from El Cordero De Dios - click on the links below to open the newsletters

December 2018

September 2018

July 2018

May 2018

There is further information about El Cordero De Dios across the other pages of the website

Our take a look at the El Cordero De Dios Facebook page

El Cordero de Dios - Divina Providencia Hospital

Details about El Cordero de Dios support of the work at the Divina Providencia Hospital

Visit to El Cordero de Dios Baptist Church - December 2017

Report on Mike, Sue and Hannah Quantick’s visit to El Cordero de Dios Baptist Church - December 2017

Visit to El Cordero De Dios - December 2011

Eleven members and attendees of Didcot Baptist Church visited El Cordero de Dios Baptist Church in El Salvador for nearly three weeks in December 2011, as part of a church team facilitated by BMS World Mission, to work with the church in three projects.

El Cordero de Dios Baptist Church

Didcot Baptist Church Centre is twinned with El Cordero de Dios Baptist Church, Zacamil, San Salvador, Central America.

Partnership Agreement

In August 1997 the congregations of Didcot and El Cordero de Dios Baptist Churches agreed an inter-church relationship which was drawn up after consultation between both fellowships.


Since the early 1990's, Didcot Baptist Church has been seeking to develop a partnership for mutual support and encouragement with the small Baptist fellowship of El Cordero de Dios in El Salvador

Housing Project

El Cordero are wanting to continue their programme to assist the community with the building of permanent housing and have put forward a housing project to build 16 homes over three years.

Housing Project Update

The El Cordero de Dios church have now built homes for 16 families in the San Pedro community. This includes four houses with funding from the UK, but they feel that they should continue to replace poor housing in the community.

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