Didcot Emergency Foodbank

An Emergency Foodbank is a practical, community-based project aimed at providing short term relief by giving food to people in crisis in our local area. The Didcot Emergency Foodbank serves Didcot and the immediate surrounding villages. 

The Foodbank is usually  open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 11am to 1pm at Didcot Baptist Church, Wantage Road, Didcot. (Please note that we are closed the week after Christmas)

Do you need help? 

If you need to access the Foodbank, this can be done by referral from any of the following: Citizens Advice, schools and nurseries, medical practices and agencies, health visitors, housing associations, charities, support workers, SODC Housing and Community Hub, or any professional/agency. You must already have a connection with the referrer or be known to them. Please contact one of these organisations and ask for a Foodbank email referral to foodbank@didcotbaptist.org.uk. 

We are not currently able to deliver food parcels, but we are happy for someone else to collect on your behalf once a referral has been received. 

Would you like to help the Foodbank? 

We welcome donations of food items, which can be left in the collection boxes at both Sainsburys branches in Didcot or they can be brought to the Foodbank when we are open. If neither of these options work for you then please get in touch at foodbank@didcotbaptist.org.uk. Details of our current needs can be found on our Facebook site, or you can download the “Bankthefood” App and link it to the Didcot Emergency Foodbank (or any other foodbank nearer yourself). 

If you would like to volunteer to help practically, please contact us for details at foodbank@didcotbaptist.org.uk. 

If you would like to make a financial donation, this can be done by visiting our online donation facility and choosing “Foodbank” as your option 

Alternatively, a bank transfer can be made, or a cheque sent - please contact us for details. 

If you would like to volunteer to help practically, please contact us for a chat. 

Contact details 

You can leave a message on the Church Office answering machine on 01235 813 187. 

You can email the Foodbank: foodbank@didcotbaptist.org.uk or use the contact form on the website.

The Foodbank is a project of Didcot Baptist Church on behalf of the community 

Other resources 

The Citizens Advice Bureau can advise you about other help that might be available. They can be phoned on 0808 278 7907

Information about other local food distribution services and Foodbanks in other parts of Oxfordshire can be found here: https://www.oxford.gov.uk/foodservicesmap 

Within Didcot, SOFEA Community Larder are keen to distribute food to anyone who needs it: https://www.sofea.uk.com 

CAP (Christians Against Poverty) can assist to find solutions to debt problems, ring 0800 328 0006 to book an appointment with the Didcot and Wallingford CAP Debt Centre (calls from mobiles may be cheaper on 01274 760 839). 
Visit www.capdebthelp.org to find out more about their services. 


What food is needed? 

Tins of meat / fish / potatoes / carrots / peas / soup / fruit / puddings 

Jars of pasta sauces / jam / peanut butter / coffee (small) 

Packets of pasta / rice / packets dried potato / breakfast cereals / biscuits / treats / tea 

Cartons of long-life milk/long-life juice / hot chocolate 

also……toiletries, toilet rolls, & clothes-wash items, but no alcohol, razors, medicines, or homemade preserves

Thank you! 


Foodbank Referrers

This is a list of organisations who are currently registered with the Foodbank as referrers.

Emergency Foodbank - Contact Us

Contact us if you would like to know more about how to make use of the Emergency Foodbank, donate items, offer to help out, or just find out more.

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