Foodbank Referrers

Current Referrers

If you have links with a professional, a school or a voluntary organisation, please ask them to contact the Foodbank with a request to issue you with a food pack. Here are some examples of organisations that refer to Didcot Emergency Foodbank:

Housing Associations: SOHA, A2 Dominion Housing; Greensquare Ltd Housing Association; Sovereign Housing Association; Stoneham The Hagbournes

Schools: All Primary and Secondary schools in Didcot, and the surrounding villages.

Health providers: Didcot Health Centre (health visitors and doctors); Early Intervention Service Oxford; Family Nurse Partnership; Oxford; Oaktree Health Centre; Woodlands Medical Centre; Older Adults CMHE (South Oxfordshire mental health services); South (Didcot) Adult Mental Health Team; Wallingford Hospital Community Midwives. Community Prescribers based at Didcot Health Centre (Age UK) and SOFEA can also help.

OCC/SODC: Didcot Children & Family Centre (OCC); OCC South Rapid Response Team (Adult Social Care); Oxfordshire Childrens Services (Children & Families Assessment); SODC: Community Connectors and South & Vale Housing Team; Tenancy Sustainment Team Oxford City Council; Thames Valley Community Rehabilitation Company and probation services.

Churches: All Saints Church; Didcot Baptist Church; Didcot Methodist; Fleet Meadow Baptist; King’s Church, Ladygrove Church, Libby Hawkness-Smith, Gt Western Park Community Chaplain; St Matthews Harwell

Voluntary Organisations (adults): Age UK Oxfordshire; Christians Against Poverty (CAP); Connection Floating Support; Elmore Community Services; Migrant Help Victims of Slavery Support Service; MIND; Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service; Red Cross Abingdon Refugee Support; Restore; Refuge: Reducing the Risk IDVA Services; Rethink Carers Support Services; Turning Point

Voluntary Organisations (children/families): Home Start South Oxfordshire; South & Vale Carers - Be Free Young Carers; TRAIN

Other organisations: If you have links with a professional, a school or a voluntary organisation not on this list, please ask them to contact the Foodbank with a request to issue you with a food pack.

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